If you’re a photographer whose either on a budget or loves working with a small kit, this is the video for you. Learn how to create stunning images with a kit that easily fits into a small backpack.
Watch professional photographer Jeff Rojas on an Iceland portrait shoot use small flash on location. Jeff creates his images on this shoot using a Rogue FlashBender 2 XL Pro and Rogue Flash Gels.
The first set of images Jeff created were shot using our Rogue FlashBender 2 XL Pro Lighting System. When shooting on location you don't want to haul around a lot of heavy gear. A flash, a light stand, and a few small modifiers are all Jeff needed for this shoot. Using just a small kit, you can create big results!
With the Rogue XL Pro Reflector attached to his small flash, Jeff was able to increase the size of his light source thus creating a softer, more pleasing light on his subject.
For his second setup, Jeff layered two CTO Gels from his Rogue Flash Gel Kit to mimic the warmth of sunlight on a cold, overcast day in Iceland.
About Jeff Rojas: Jeff Rojas is an American Photographer based in New York City. His primary body of work includes Portrait and Fashion Photography, although he’s directed misc. fashion films and commercials. Rojas also frequents as a photography instructor and has taught on various photographic platforms including: CreativeLIVE, WPPI, PhotoPlus Expo, Gulf Photo Plus and APA.
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