The FlashBenders are light and therefore always with me when I travel, but I wouldn’t be using them of course if they didn’t do what I want them to do right?
One of the things I really love about the FlashBenders is their ability to literally steer the light (bending it). You can bend the FlashBender and create some stunning light patterns on the background or on your model, as far as I know this is the only modifier with this kind of flexibility.
In the video you can see me working in one of my favorite setups with the flashbender, the model is very close to the wall and I use the flashbender not to light my model with “soft” light, but I actually bend the flashbender to create a very focused light source.
If you use this technique the correct way you can create different kind of patterns and light behaviors on both the wall as the model. And the fun thing is that there are no fixed settings, it will vary every time, you will always get an unique look.
I always shoot on manual mode with these kind of setups because ETTL will not be accurate enough to properly light these kind of scenes, and with the light meter I’m always sure I have the proper exposure.
Final Image:
Camera Settings: 24mm-70mm Lens at 70mm, ISO 200, 1/125, f/4
Love this!
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